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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Closet Time Machine

One of my favorite things to do growing up was play dress-up with items from my mother's closet.  I would act so grown-up wearing oversized dresses, scarves, hats, jewelry, and, of course, the high-heel shoes.  When feeling adventurous, or when mom wasn't looking, I'd even experiment with her makeup.  I was in such a hurry to turn the clock ahead and act like an adult.

Now that I am "all grown up", I look at my nieces and the children I teach and admire the clothes they wear thinking, "I wish they made something like that in my size".  If only it was possible to go into their closets and play dress-up, only this time turning the clock back rather than ahead. 

It makes me wonder, is this just a case of wanting something I can't have.  Yes, I love clothes and trying on different styles when I shop, but I think this is about more than just fashion.  When young, we wish our lives away, wanting to reach those milestones.  When older, we realize life was simpler when we were younger and we didn't even appreciate it. 

Well, I appreciate and cherish the memories of my closet time machine.  It was a fun, exciting part of growing up.  I am thankful I had an active imagination that allowed me to travel to another time in my mind.  If only I could do that same thing now, but in reverse. 

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Quintessential Quotes

Quotes from others inspire us to reflect upon our lives and become better people.  Words are a powerful tool, whether written or spoken.  When I hear or read  inspirational quotes, it helps me focus on the important things in my life and motivates me to improve as a person.

Have any quotes had this affect on you?  Maybe it's the words of a famous person, politician, or just a friend or co-worker that creates an impression.  Share your quotes and how they've had an impact on your life.  Don't forget to give credit to the originator.

Don't have a favoite quote you'd like to share?  Search for one and become inspired.

"Go confidently in  the direction of your dreams. 
Live the life you have imagined."  Henry david Thoreau

Quotes That Inspire You

I was watching a movie the other day (Remember Me) and one of the characters used the following quote:
                               "The fingerprints on the lives we touch never fade."

This is so true.  We touch people's lives everyday, sometimes without even realizing it.  Reflect on the people that have touched your life, made you who you are today.  How would you be different if you had never known that person?

Of course we all have imprints on us of those who touched our lives.  They will never fade, even though we wish some would.  But, we choose how we react to those fingerprints and use them to create our life experiences.  Think of the prints you're leaving on the lives you touch. 

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Do I Need A Technology Intervention?

A few months ago I was blissfully living  a life of pre-technology.  Didn't own a cell phone, rarley used a computer, checked my e-mail twice a year because I had to for work, and blog was just a funny word that sounded like something from a seventies film that engulfed everything in its path. 
And now, well now I was forced to get a cell phone, which never leaves my sight.  Granted, it takes me forever to get into my contacts and send a message, but it is so much fun.   How great is it that anyone can reach me at anytime, no matter what I'm doing-taking a nap, showering, reading a book, shopping, texting someone else-awesome!  Of course, I can shut it off anytime I want.  So what if I miss a call or text, that won't bother me at all.  Are you kidding?  I can't just shut it off and silence that exciting tune I hear everytime someone is trying to reach me.  I'm needed.   I have no choice but to keep that phone on at all times!
As if this wasn't enough, I get a laptop as a birthday present.  Great gift, right!  I'm on it constantly. There is so much to do.  Surf the web, download pictures, e-mail friends, it goes on and on.  Does it really matter that I can no longer see the color of my carpet, there's not a clean cup in the house, and the laundry is piled up to my neck.  I'm busy networking and learning how to use my new "toy".  The house and laundry aren't going anywhere.  
Which leads me to this, creating my own blog.  Writing down my thoughts for the world to see.  This technology stuff is so amazing to me.  Why did I fight it for so long?  How did I do without it?  Well, I have no plans of finding out.  There's no turning back now.  I'm addicted to technology.